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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I wonder.. about something..

Salam & Hi..

As you all know.. I am currently back in studying (part time)..
I have few things in my head that I need to let out.. or shared with YOU readers...

See, I get it if lecturers do not want to spoon feed us..
However, I do not understand why are you not lecturing and wasted my 2 hours time hearing you telling us about nothing which can help us answered the exam questions..
I appreciate that you want to share on the real things in life..
But we're not here for that..
We're here in your class to learn for our exams..

I also get your intention when you asked us to did the summary for the 5 chapters and also answered the past questions... but I do not understand why you give us marks based on effort instead of marking it for real?
How the hell we  know whether the answered is true or false?!!!
It's hard enough to be doing it hand-written.. and it's even harder when I do not know the answers!!!!


See.. I knew he would not read this..
But I'm just channeling my frustration here..

I have been doing the past year since Monday for chap 6 and 7, however I could not finish everything as the module (text book) did not cover all of the topics and the international book was not help either.. why??
because the questions evolve only anything/everything in Malaysia..

I felt like quitting.
keep on asking myself.. why is he so lousy for a lecturer?
Did his lecturer taught him like the way he taught us?

I do not have problems with other lecturer..
It's only him..

Looking back.. my Diploma lecturer in KPMIM is better..
seriously they are..
they have been very strict on us..
I think what they did to us help us a lot in today's life..
Thank you to all the lecturers whom had taught me and the rest for HND program..
Only God the Almighty can repay all your effort in teaching us...
May God bless you all wherever you are..

Now I have to use Mr Google to help me find the answer..

Signing off

Friday, October 7, 2011


Am stress due to my hectic life

been working for 6 days straight.. this is my second week..
then.. on Sunday I will have FULL day class from 8am to 6:15pm..
on 10 Oct I'll work again till Fri the 14th..
on 15th and 16th I'll be going for my company's team buiding..
then on 17th I continue for work till 19th.. then I got a rest day on 20th..
then work again on 21th.. then off for 2 days (there will be exams/quizzes on 23rd)

OMG! when can I focus on my books?
force myself to read for an hour just now..
nothing was saved in my brain..
I'm so dead for the next class (on 9th Oct)..

feel like wanting to study full time..
but still want to work..
life is so difficult.. why?
cos that's life

readers.. do pray for me..
I got lots of reading to do..
and lots of homework to complete..

tatah for now

*signing off

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

continue first raya dengan in-laws

Assalamualaikum wbt/peace be upon you...

sambungan dri entry tdi..
dh selesai beraye di rumah jiran sblh..
kami pon balik..
hajat dihati mau lelap skjp sbm btolak...
tetibe Ella ckp ayah cik dh smp..

dgn pantas bgn dri katil dan pegi mandi..
ye.. semua pon kelam kabut bsiap...
sementara kami bsiap.. acik sekeluarga menjamu juadah yg ade..
no picture were taken...

then off we go to manjung..
to be exact.. my MIL, SIL and family acik ke manjung...
kami berdua ke kuala kangsar amik kak eda skeluarga..
kami sampai manjung dh kui 6pm kot..

smp2 homestay trs solat n makan sbb lpr yg amat..
hri tuh xkemane pon.. ddk kt homestay jek..
sy tdo awal sbb penat sgt..
xmkn mlm pon..

esknye bgn kui 7pm trs solat and mandi..
tgk2 kt dpr dh rmi org siapkan bekpes..
cri en suami n buatkn milo pns..
pastu tlg ape yg ptt kt dpr...
tlg agkt makanan jek kot...

then MIL, SIL & family acik ke Lekir kot utk ziarah kubur...
kami dirumah saje... kemas ape yg ptt krn planning mau pulg ke Klang lps bjln ke bagan datoh & ipoh.... hurm... inilah pengalaman pertama beraye 7jam diatas jalan..
sgt penat & sedikit tensi...

ke bagan datoh utk bjumpe dgn opah sedare en suami..
namun begitu, opah anjang xde sbb pegi taman bahagia sbb ade open house..
kmi pun terus saje bgerak ke ipoh dri bagan datoh..
ok....jammm ye.. kalah jam kt KL..

dri bagan datoh ke ipoh dlm kui 2pm..
smp ipoh dh dekat 6pm lebih... T_T
smp jek sume berebut nk solat...
lepas tuh terus mkn2..
amik gambar dan terus pule ke behrang utk htr kak eda ke rumh mertua beliau..

raye sy yg sgt hectic.. smp klang tgh mlm...
esknye sy kje pgi (khamis)...
sy mmg sgt penat smp ttdo di opis...
nsib la xbyk kje... 

hri jumaat, lps keje en suami demam plak...
maka gigih la sy bw kete cri kinik panel uitm..
sume ttp... jdi terus aje balik rumah..

en suami dh selamat bbungkus dlm selimut..
sy siapkn bubur utk die.. sikit jek mknnye..
esknye pulak hri sabtu.. sy pulak demam..

en suami dh sihat sikit..
so kuar lgk cri klinik panel uitm..
jmp la kt sek 2..
msk2 doc ckp awk xdemam..aik??
tpi sy kne inject..T_T
sy mtk mc utk hri tuh..

balik trs tdo.. sgt xlarat...
itu la cerita raya saye..

mse utk tgk gmbr plak..

ni kt rungkup, bangan datoh umah opah anjang

dok kt bwh ni sejuk...

minum + mkn kuih sbm berangkat ke ipoh


ni kt ipoh.. tmn tawas mewah kot.. turn org ppn mkn..

yg lelaki semua dh kekeyangan..

tuan rumh yg pki tudung cokelat tuh.. ank2 sedare pggl encik..

bgurau senda..

Faqih + kak Anim

tgk la mke org bru jmp makanan stlh 7jam pjlanan.. ;)

Ella + Ana

bgambar kenangan..

posing bebas..

happy faces 


me + kak Anim

introducing Hani Marissa

Hani + Khayra

tgh main..

ape  yg dorg bt ni?..

Hani + Haikal

nk duit raye...

"itu khayra punye!!"

Haikal + Khayra



tgk la gelagat msg2..


candid lg..

nk pegi mne tu tarik beg...

mereka sgt comel..rse nk gigit jek..

*signing off

first raya dengan in-laws

Assalamualaikum wbt/peace be upon you..

nk cite psl pengalaman pertame beraye dgn family in-laws..
cmne nk mule ye?.. hehehehe..

ok lah.. kami beraye di klang + perak thn ni..
solat raye di surau tmn sri andalas..
kemudian makan pagi... menu adelah lemang, ketupat nasi, ayam masak merak, rendang ayam + daging, kuah lodeh dan juge kuih muih... selesai sesi makan2.. kami bersalam2 memohon maaf sesame sendiri.. sesudah itu kami beraye dengan jiran sebelah sementara menantikan pakcik en suami dtg untuk same2 ke manjung perak..

Back from left: Kamil + Khayra, Abg On, Amin, Azizul (my hubby)
Front from left: Ekin, Mak (Pn Rakimi Hashim), Me, Siti and Ella..

Yg ni belum ckp korum.. ade 2 lgk kakak ipar yg beraye bsame keluarga mertua (ikt turn)...

gambar2 salam ade banyak.. jdi sy mls upload..

meh tgk gelagat ank sedare sy yg comel ni...

bru dpt upah..

geram jek tgk gmbr ni..

funny face.. 


ske sgt die pakteh amik gambo..

bulatnye mate..

nape ni khayra?

kahyra & ummi..

mcm xde gigi plak pic ni..

she was interested in the green packet rather than her pakteh :)

her name is khayra.. i did a post on her before..
click here if you want to read..
isn't she the cutest?
she remind me of a cartoon character.. POCOYO.. :)

enough for now..
will continue later on raya stories..

*signing off