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Sunday, July 24, 2016

My Life

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ dear readers..

Today I wanted to share my story.. How it changes my perspectives towards certain things that was unknown to me before.

Before quitting my job, I was worried about all kind of things. Financial is the main concern. However, after some period of times I learned that if you ask from the giver of life He will answered to your prayer. So, mothers pray as sincere as you could and always be humble if you decide to become a housewife. Remember, nothing is impossible to  اللّهُ. Just ask!

So, here I am. A housewife. Almost 3 years now. I am happier because I can raise my own son. I can cook for the family. I still have a part time job to support our financial loopholes here and there. Thanks to Him that everything is possible. 

I may not have a dream career, a luxury car or house. However, I am blessed with what I have now. I am grateful. 

Believe in Him. Pray to Him. Be kind. Be humble. Ask Him when you need anything. And most of all be patient.

He's the reason why I quit my job. May you be blessed my dear Anaqi. Ibu love you sooo much 😘😘😘.

Signing off*

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Sickness all day

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ 

Nak cerita.. Semalam, gigih masak nasi ayam dari pkl 1130am.. Bpeluh2 dkt dpr, maklum ler cuaca panaih hangat lani..

Sudahnye mgigil badan.. Dahla tak boleh makan.. Tetibe rase kejang perut mase goreng ayam.. Gigihkan jgk abeskan sbb dah alang2..

Anaqi pon sibuk mintak makan.. Suap la dia sambil tahan sakit.. Lps tu ibu surrender.. Trs tbaring.. Udah ptgnye sakit kepala yg amat.. Sakit plk badan kne hempuk dgn Anaqi sbb asyik baring je..

Malamnye dtg pulak migraine.. Apelagi, meraung jek yg mampu.. Nk mkn ubat xboleh.. Nak makan pon xlalu.. Asyik keluar balik jek..

Bila n suami balik tanye kenape ckp sakit sambil kuar air mate. Bila en suami urut kepala ni rase kurang sikit sakit.. Barulah blh nk mandi n bgn minum teh o panas dgn skpg roti.

Bila sakit2 mcmni mesti teringat mak dgn ayah.. Ayah selalu masuk bilik pegang kaki aku bila aku xsihat.. Kadang basahkan tuala letak dkt kpale.. Mak plk rajin masak bubur walau aku hanye mampu makan 3 suap je.. Semoga mak & ayah sihat. Lame dh xbalik jenguk dorang. 😭😭😭😭

Sudahnye hari ni aku xmasak sbb xmo dh jdi mcm smlm.. Anaqi pon bukan pemakan nasi.. Jdi mkn biskut n roti je ktorg anak beranak.. Sng dpt anak yg selera same dgn ibu. Huhu.. 

Itu jek luahan dari hati ini. 

Yg ikhlas,


Monday, March 21, 2016

Weaning off Anaq part 2

Assalamualaikum w.b.t readers..

Yes! It took me a while to update. This is because my phone's LCD was broken. Yup! I updated my blog using my phone instead of the laptop.

All my work has been halted due to that (truth is I am the master procrastinator!!)

Okay.. back to the topic. On the second day, I remembered Anaqi asked for his usual morning milk. I brought him downstairs and asked him to eat. I remembered my sister cooked a fried rice. He ate it.

It was also a struggle on the second day because he still begs for the milk. I keep on telling him that he is a big boy now and he don't need to drink milk. As always he will cried his lung out. I just ignored him.

It was the same thing that I told him everyday until he weaned off.

It was tough for the whole week, however we made it. He eventually stopped breastfeeding. Now, he only drink plain water and I am struggling to feed him as he is a picky eater who doesn't like veges or fruits at all.

Now, I kind of missing breastfeeding him. I missed that special bond that we had. Those were the moments that I will cherished forever.

Anaqi I will love you forever.

Till then, see you on my next write-up.

signing off*