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Friday, June 18, 2010

I'm back after 2 weeks..
now at Persada, my sis home
spent a lot of time fb'ing

I have no TV or laptop while in the new house
after marriage I stayed with my hubby at D'Rimba Shah Alam

A little bit of my marriage story..
We were solemnized around 10++am in Masjid Al-Hidayah Kuantan

the "kadi" was so cool..
I'm not nervous.. but I sweat a lot..
cause of the weather..
I don't know if my hubby was nervous..
he should be..

above is the "mas khawin"



our family & friends..

I'm sleepy.. will update later on the picca
see you soon...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Perutusan Raja Sehari
To all my friends, ex-bosses, lecturers & trainers.. you are cordially invited to my solemnization day on 12 Jun 2010.. no time to send wedding invitation card as you guys/gals did not update your address .. location of the wedding is DZ40 Lorong Melor, Kampung Tiram, 25200 Kuantan Pahang. You can't find the location using Garmin. I don't know why.. Hahaha.. see you guys/gals next week.. officially signing off for wedding ... Goodnite!!
It is confirmed that someone had lied to me all this while
and... I've decided to keep my distance from that someone
positive energy is flowing at the moment
thank you God..
for hearing my prayers...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Make your happiness the number one thing in your life. Happiness is an inside job
I want to be happy but why do I feel heartache??
so bad...

What have I done?????

1. my marriage leaves haven't been approved, even though I have applied more than a month
2. someone promise a Cadbury chocolate for my door gift.. but haven't deliver it to me
3. I can't sleep.. I can't eat..
4. I'm about to be jobless .. 
5. I'm suppose to receive a call for interview yesterday.. but no one called..
6. Am working under a stupid management currently..
7. I hate my JOB, MYSELF and what had happen to me for this past 2 days
8. And I strongly believe that someone who called himself a friend is betraying me at the current moment.. How I wish killing is not sinful..
9. But of course I can't kill anyone

GOD please make me strong to go through all the obstacles..