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Monday, December 30, 2013

Hari ini hari huru-hara

Bangun pagi susukan Anaqi..

Anaqi layan upin upin ibu pam susu.. Dapat 2 auns.. Dalam hati menangis..

Anaqi pegi skool tokma..

Ibu unpack baju n basuh baju kotor.

Siap2 borang untuk jumpa client sambil mengepam.. Dapat 1 auns susu.. Terus stress!

Siap2 pegi kl jumpa client.

Sidai kain dulu.. Kuar rumah.. 

Eh! Terlupa bawa pam.. Basuh dulu then lap2 dgn kitchen towel..

Kuar rumah kali ke 2. Kunci gate. 

Singgah shell nk isi minyak. 
Menonong mskkan kad bonus link kt kiosk pam.
Tibe2 ade tanda x kat pam.

Minta tolong dgn pam attendant. Kena tukar pam katenye sebab mesin faulty.

Ok fine!

Dah isi minyak pegi klcc. 

Ah! Tertinggal thumb pad pulak!
Pegi Kinokuniya cari.. Alhamdulilah ade.

Setel kt klcc, pegi jumpe client dkt menara public bank.

Hp pulak tertinggal dlm kete.. Ah! Malas nk ambik.. Pegi je jmp client..

Hari ni hari lupe sedunia ke?


Thursday, December 5, 2013

They need help..pantai timur is flooding

It is flooding now in my hometown.. Kuantan.

It was the worst flood ever.

Mom and dad is there without help. Both are in their late 60's and 70's.

Praying for my parents and flood victims be safe.

Our national media is busy covering political events in pwtc rather then feeding us news about the flood.

If you are reading this and you have access to cover the news in kuantan and neighbouring state, please do so.

Daughters, sons and parents are eager to know about the flood conditions as we are away from our hometown and that we could not be there as roads was flooded.

Here are some of the pic that I got from facebook.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dear diary

I know you're feeling down..

Lookup as Allah is always with you..

I know you have this big puzzles in your head

Rest assure that it will be completed one day

Easily and effortlessly.

You will live in a life that you dream of. 

Thank you Allah for everything that I have.

Friday, September 27, 2013

How to express milk during working hour?

Hello readers..

In this entry I would like to share on my experience expressing milk while working..

1st you have to have a pump

2nd you have to have nursing cover

3rd a place to pump...

Since my office do not have nursing room (lucky for those which have the room)..
What I did was, I pumped in surau and my work station..

I am always in office 1 hour before my working schedule..
I ate breakfast and express milk for 20 minutes.. (it was 40 minutes if used manual pump - 20 minutes for each breast)... morning session is always in the surau.. this would be around 7:20am in the morning..

The next session will be around 10:20am.. however, I normally forgot and start a bit later when my breast was already engorged. This is always at my work station, answering call from customer while assembling the pump and it would last 30 minutes. 

I always jotted down the time when I express my milk on a piece of paper to keep a track on the hours. There will be four bottles ebm from work with 3 session of pumping.. Normally, I will get around 18 to 20oz.. You have to be very disciplined on this.. No excuses..

I pumped today for lo use tomorrow..
I normally send 4 bottles of 3oz to the babysitter (bs) and got 1 bottle returned with 5oz (the bs mixed all my ebm)... which I have to throw it away because I suspect it was the leftovers. 

Hope this helped.. if not, you can leave a comment and I will response to your inquiry.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Almost 11 months of breastfeeding

Assalamualaikum wbt dear readers...

Alhamdulilah, my little one (lo) still drink breast milk up till today.

I hope he will continue untill he is 2 years. 

I can share with you that it was not easy at all. One must have strength to continue their breastfeeding journey.

I am working as a customer service officer. Always and almost busy at all time, I told myself that the milk is there for my lo. It needed to be xpress regularly.

If i worked morning shift (8am to 5pm), I'll be in office at about 7am. Ate my breakfast and express milk for 20 minutes.

I started xpressing my milk by using avent manual pump. It was both tiring and time consuming. I borrowed my SIL Spectra pump, it was heavy to bring along to office and it needed a plug for me to use.

My office do not have any nursing room, we shared our surau (men & women). It is not convenience at all. So i bought medela fs and xpress my milk at my workstation every 3 hours. I used the nursing cover. 

Luckily I have great managers and colleagues that understand and never complained whenever I express my milk for my lo. Thanks guys and girls!

I didn't take any milk booster. What I did was I didn't skip my meal and drank a lot of plain water. And I am still under weight.. Seriously, I ate like there's no tommorrow and still weighted at 47kg.

So, new mothers! Please be strong and be very hardworking on your journey breastfeeding your lo.

Seek help if you're down.

Till we meet again.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Happy 10 months young Anaqi!

Assalamialaikum wbt..

Exactly ten months ago I gave birth to this cute little baby...

When I was 3 months pregnant, I prayed to the Almighty for a son. I even forced my hubby to recite the dua. Alhamdulilah, Allah answered our prayer.

Muhammad Anaqi bin Noor Azizul Hakim.. No words can describe how much I love you..

Grow stronger, healthier and wiser dearest son.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt..

Dah agak lame xupdate blog..

Agak malas sbnrnye sbb keletihan..

Lately ni pon asyik pening2 lalat je sbb darah jalan xde baik bak kate doc.. Haha..

Sebab dah lame sgt xmenulis kat sini.. Idea pon xberape nak ade..

Anaqi pun xsihat.. Ibu bp low.. Anaqi demam... Get well soon baby.. 

Rase cam nk cuti sebulan je..

Dgn rumah yg xbkemas.. Inilah yg jdi bile bpindah rumah.. 

Taktau bile nk make time utk betol2 kemas rumah

Nak rehat je skrg ni..

Ok la semua.. Babai!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cucuk 3 bulan

Hai.. Assalamualaikum wbt...

Hri ni bawa Anaqi cucuk 3 bulan dkt DEMC...

Terkejut bile kne cucuk die xnangis..

Kuat betul anak ibu n papa ni...

Harap esok die tak demam..

Mse cucuk 2 bulan xde demam..

Tgh ssh hati sbb esk ade gangguan letrik kt umah..

Cmne la nsb susu beku kt dlm peti ais tu nnt..

Mintak2 la selamat..

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Susu oh, susu!

Hi readers..

Sy tgh mengepam susu untuk anak comel sy kerana kehabisan stok susu semalam..

Huhu... Terpakse tido lewat n bgn awal untuk sesi pam..

Sepanjang bkje semula..ini la hri pertama bgn untuk mgepam..

Sy xbgn mgepam sblmnye kerana sdh keletihan..

Ini pun kepala berdenyut2... Harapannye jgn la migraine pula..

Susu sy sbnrnye ckp untuk si comel..

Namun.. Disebabkn kekangan mase untuk mengepam waktu bkje.. Stok sy tdk la byk..

Sekadar cukup untuk si comel minum esk harinye...

Dan stok susu beku ade dirumah ( skrg berada dirumah mertua)

Berharap sgt si comel dpt bertahan hari ni...

Doakan sy ye kwn2...

Sdh stress dikala ini memikirkan si comel terpakse blapar bile kehabisan susu..

Semalam saje si comel sdh mengadu dgn mencebikkn bibir..

Kesian anak ibu...

Sampai disini saje luahan hati...

Terima kasih kerana sudi membace..


Monday, January 28, 2013

29 Oct 2012

Hi semua!

Dah beberapa kali cube untuk share pengalaman bersalin..

Tpi... Mcm xreti nak cerite.. Buat kesimpulan jek la..

Sakit bersalin adelah amat sakit..

Ubatnye adelah bile nurse letak baby dalam dakapan and suruh susukan..

Anaqi pandai menyusu kali pertama lepas ibu dh dijahit.. Jahit episiotomi.. Sile google klu xthu ape itu episiotomi..

After masuk wad.. Sy lapar sbnrnye.. Tpi sbb dh kol 10pm, hosp xsediakan makan..

Mujur en hubby ade beli roti... Itu jek la sy mkn.. Sikit jek pn dpt makan..

Lepas nurse yg baik mhalau en hubby kuar dri wad..

Sy keseorangan.. Then nurse bw baby and suruh susukan..

Mase tuh sy mamai sgt.. Sbb hidu gas xhenti2..

Mase meneran pon sempat ttdo..

Baby mse tuh mamai jgk kot..sbb bile bgi susu die bt dek je..

Sy cube tdo.. Tpi bayangan kne jahit episiotomi menganggu tdo..huhu..

So, skali skale sy akan cube soh baby isap susu.. Berkali2 die buat dek..

Sy mgkn ttdo lps beberapa kali cube myusu baby..

Pagi tuh.. Bgn je nurse suruh lap baby..

Sy cube bgn.. Kemudian cube turun katil... MasyaAllah rse mcm xde tanah

Sy lap bby cincai je.. Sy sdiri xmandi..nk g toilet pn fobia..

Tpi bile nurse tny dh buang air? Sy iyekan saje sbb nk cpt blk rumah..

HB mmg xcntk utk blk...tpi sy merayu dgn doc utk lpskn sy blk..

Thalesemia thread kot...mne HB nk cantik..

Alhamdulilah dpt balik juga...

Mase nak balik sempat sembang2 dgn nurse psl bby..

Nurse ckp sy xptt melahirkn bby since kami suami isteri ade thalesemia thread..

Sayu hati..tpi kuatkan smgt kerana semua ni Qada n Qadar Allah pada sy n suami..

Dlm hati xpts2 berdoa supaya Anaqi sihat walafiat..

Sy terima ape jua yg Allah kurniakan pada kami..

Hri ni dah 28 jan.. Esk Anaqi genap 3 bulan..

Byk sgt nk klu nk diceritakn pengalaman..

Tpi mase xmengizinkan.. Bile ade kelapangan sy akan update..

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year updates..

Assalamualaikum & Happy New Year to all..

Since becoming a mother I am very busy..


Busy with my clingy son..

He turned 2 months on Dec 29th..

How time flies..

I have exactly 19 days to be with him before starting work..

Secretly wishing that I do not have to return for work..

I just want to be with my son and nurse him..

Moving on...

I just wanted to update my wishlist..

It has been forwarded since 2011

Let's have a look at it again..

Wish no 1 is still pending settlement between banks.

Wish no 2 is sadly on hold..

Wish no 4.. Alhamdulilah is here with us..

No 5 is pending still and last no 8, will not happen so soon as we have a baby now..

New wishlist?

I want to be a better person..

I prayed that my husband will further study so that he can be promoted from his current job position..

I want a normal hour job with higher salary of course! At least work from monday to friday only...

I want more time to spend with my family..

I miss having a good laugh with my friends..oopps! Out of topic..

That's all for now..

Until we meet again on the next post..

Signing off