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Friday, September 27, 2013

How to express milk during working hour?

Hello readers..

In this entry I would like to share on my experience expressing milk while working..

1st you have to have a pump

2nd you have to have nursing cover

3rd a place to pump...

Since my office do not have nursing room (lucky for those which have the room)..
What I did was, I pumped in surau and my work station..

I am always in office 1 hour before my working schedule..
I ate breakfast and express milk for 20 minutes.. (it was 40 minutes if used manual pump - 20 minutes for each breast)... morning session is always in the surau.. this would be around 7:20am in the morning..

The next session will be around 10:20am.. however, I normally forgot and start a bit later when my breast was already engorged. This is always at my work station, answering call from customer while assembling the pump and it would last 30 minutes. 

I always jotted down the time when I express my milk on a piece of paper to keep a track on the hours. There will be four bottles ebm from work with 3 session of pumping.. Normally, I will get around 18 to 20oz.. You have to be very disciplined on this.. No excuses..

I pumped today for lo use tomorrow..
I normally send 4 bottles of 3oz to the babysitter (bs) and got 1 bottle returned with 5oz (the bs mixed all my ebm)... which I have to throw it away because I suspect it was the leftovers. 

Hope this helped.. if not, you can leave a comment and I will response to your inquiry.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Almost 11 months of breastfeeding

Assalamualaikum wbt dear readers...

Alhamdulilah, my little one (lo) still drink breast milk up till today.

I hope he will continue untill he is 2 years. 

I can share with you that it was not easy at all. One must have strength to continue their breastfeeding journey.

I am working as a customer service officer. Always and almost busy at all time, I told myself that the milk is there for my lo. It needed to be xpress regularly.

If i worked morning shift (8am to 5pm), I'll be in office at about 7am. Ate my breakfast and express milk for 20 minutes.

I started xpressing my milk by using avent manual pump. It was both tiring and time consuming. I borrowed my SIL Spectra pump, it was heavy to bring along to office and it needed a plug for me to use.

My office do not have any nursing room, we shared our surau (men & women). It is not convenience at all. So i bought medela fs and xpress my milk at my workstation every 3 hours. I used the nursing cover. 

Luckily I have great managers and colleagues that understand and never complained whenever I express my milk for my lo. Thanks guys and girls!

I didn't take any milk booster. What I did was I didn't skip my meal and drank a lot of plain water. And I am still under weight.. Seriously, I ate like there's no tommorrow and still weighted at 47kg.

So, new mothers! Please be strong and be very hardworking on your journey breastfeeding your lo.

Seek help if you're down.

Till we meet again.
