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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

lagi2 dilema..

selalu je aku akan tersepit..
diluah mati emak.. ditelan mati bapak (tol ke ni? - gasak)

ini sume pasal cuti raye cine
ini sume pasal sesuatu yang tak ade hitam putih
ikut hati mati jugak aku ni

nak ikut yang mana ni???
aku bingung sudah ni..

huhuhu... ape nak buat?
Ya Allah bagi la hambaMu ni petunjuk..

teringat Ju (opismate) ckp
"You kena be fair to yourself"
tp encik TM ckp
"You tak boleh buat macam tuh".. after a few minutes.. encik TM ckp...
"I don't give it a damn.. I tendered!"
erk!!!..mampos aku..

cepat la Isnin.. semoga penantian itu membawa khabar gembira
Amin Ya Robbal Alamin..

fikiran ku kusut la..




Tuesday, January 25, 2011

stress-free... how I wish...

today.. I felt stressful
because of ....

so, in order to release the stress..
I asked my hubby if we could go to Sunway Pyramid for massage..
He said ok.. Off we go after work to Arokaya House..
It's a Thai Traditional massage..

Located @Lots 111-112, LG2 (Marrakesh), Sunway Pyramid..
Before, the entrance was opposite Tarbush restaurant..
Today, it's in front Ayam Penyet..
I have not been there for massage almost 6 months..

Normally, me and hubby will massage for 1 hour..
which cost us RM70 each.. today we add another 30 mins..
total cost is RM178.. 

I am stress free.. my headache was gone..
It was worth it.. to whose who like to massage..
I recommend you guys to go to Arokaya House...
Satisfaction guaranteed...

That's all for today
signing off**

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Alkisah hari Ahad 23 Jan 2011

dh lame xbgn seawal 5 pagi..
dlo ade gak la ms keje DiGi..

hr ni bgn pagi.. konon2 nak blk tganu..
nk menziarah nenda yg nazak (Allahyarhamah)

mlm sbm akak aku yg 2nd ckp flight kui 7am..
dgn gigih bgn pg.. smp terminal subang dlm kui 6am..
sampai kt kaunter Firefly..
nmpk big sis + abg ipar..
jmp derg.. pastu tiket adelah RM3++

bincang nye bincang.. kami tpakse batalkn niat nk pegi..
sbb nk balik ari jek.. aku still keje esok..
nk drive.. fuh! jauh tuh klu blk hri...
sdhnye... mmg xjd pegi..

so dr terminal subang ke mahogani utk bekpes..
abg ipar ckp nk dtg umh..
7 bln kami kawen derg blom pnah dtg..
aku pon ckp ok jek..
mmg lpas bekpes nk pegi pasar pon..

pastu terus ke pasar.. dlm keadaan mengantuk ok..
beli ikan .. sayur sikit .. and brg2 yg perlu utk msk..
dh sudah kt pasar sek 6..
pegi pasar tani kt sek 13..
cri tikar... umh kame meja mkn kiut sgt..
so beli la tikar supaya blh mkn bwh..

blk umh terus jek bersihkan ikan sume..
en.Suami bz mengemas kt depan
(tq sayang kerana mbantu)

gedebak gedebuk.. pkl 1pm siap sume..
dgn kemas2 dapur.. mop2 sikit..

dkt2 kui 2pm.. big sis sampai..
pastu 2nd sis myusul..
bru la sempat tgk album kawen aku..
aku mmg xusung kemane album tuh..
sesape nk tgk meh la dtg umah..

berbalik pd cite nenda ku tdi..
ade sikit rase ralat sbb aku xbalik tganu..

Al-Fatihah buat nenda ku 
semoga ditempatkan bersama mereka yg beriman..

clockwise: sambal sotong, sambal belacan, lala sweet sour & ulam raja

atas: kari ikan ayam (jebong) & selar kuning goreng

msk lauk simple jek.. :)))))

signing off**

Saturday, January 22, 2011

kenangan terindah..

teringat zaman kolej..
bile tgk gmbr2 kwn2 dlm fb..
terimbau kenangan..
ade suka & duka..
tp..aku byk teringat yg suka.. :)

dlo..klu kt kolej di hari sabtu..
ade 2 je xtvt klu xblk umh..
tgk cd dgn mem2 dlm bilik or kuar outing..

cd mesti cite indon or seram..
time kolej dlo cite ape ade cinta mmg hit..
aku tgk agak 2,3 x sbb xphm ape die ckp..
klu mlm tgk cite hantu...

aaa..rindunye zaman tuh..

klu outing.. mesti g main game or tgk wyg..
konon2 lepas tensen...
pastu.. dh lme sikit kt kolej..
pandai plak bercouple2..

ade 2, 3 hr jek aku couple..
ahahahaha.. skrg xbf aku dh kawen ngan mem aku sdiri
dh ade sorg baby gal yg comel..
klu igt2  blk mesti aku senyum  sorg2..

lame sikit pas2 couple plak ngan bdk jr..
bertahan xsmp 2 thn..
ms ni xtau nape.. mem aku sorg ckp xske..
ktorg agak renggang.. tp xde la gaduh..
gaduh manje2 jek sbb nk cuti sem..

smp hr ni aku xtau nape mem aku xske aku couple ngan dak jr tuh..

hubungan xbthn lame..
bl aku pindh dok ampang..
dia mintaak break.. bl aku tny nape..
dia ckp die just nk break kejap..
aku jenis manusia yg xske tertanye2..
so aku ckp break terus jek..
maka dgn itu berakhir lg satu episod cinta monyet aku..

aku tetibe sakit.. mgkn frust bcinte (atau cuma kebetulan?)
doc ckp aku ade Anemia.. tp xteruk..
mcm2 ubat die bg..
aku xmkn.. aku jage makan je..
Alhamdulilah skrg dh ok...

tetibe plak cite cm sedih kan?
haha.. rindu sgt2 kat mem2 kpmim..
skrg klu jmp pon mesti kt kduri kawen kwn2..
last ms kduri Eno n Wan Cai..

ni pon xsemua ade.. smpt la sembang2 kejap..
pastu aku blk cpt..maklum ler en.Suami agak pemalu.. wek!!!

rase lame gle xjmp korg..rindu ;)
terutama Yana... (yg plg kiri).. 
bile la blh jmp semua skali..

dh xtau nk tulis ape.. nanti ler klu ade idea
aku update blog yg semakin bosan nih...

signing off*

Thursday, January 20, 2011

thought of going to work today..
but hubby is sick..
so decided to stay home and look after him..

at first he said he was having sore throat
now, his body temperature is high..
not that high though..

he's sleeping like a baby..

he didn't eat much for breakfast today..
and he's not taking his lunch yet..
I have no heart to wake him up as he was working late yesterday..
I don't know what time he got back cos I was sleep..
Woke u at 3am.. to remove my contact lenses..
then continue to sleep..

nothing much to update

enjoy the vids of my hubby and his nieces Khayra

Sunday, January 9, 2011

NY 2011 d' Kg Tiram + update Xmas exchange gift..


How was your new year's celebration?
was at home.. ;)

It was raining and we decide to stay home..
(initial plan was to joined my friend's BBQ)

OH! BTW.. we arrived at Kuantan about 6++pm on 31/12/2010..
Went straight to pasar malam (night market)..
hunting for putu piring... but was dissapointed..
couldn't find any...

so I bought nasi minyak + cendawan goreng

dinner for 4.. 2 is already eaten..

on 1.1.11
still stays at home until in the evening..
we went to banks..
cos hubby wants to pay his bills..

went to Gelora point for dinner..
Hubby ordered laksa + air jagung
Mine was mee jawa+keropok lekor+air jagung..

everywhere he goes.. surfing is a MUST.. even while he's in the market
Internet geek!!!

enjoying my drink...

air jagung

read the sign
did it make you aware??
it did to me!!!

Emeer Firaz

Xmas exchange gift

I got key chain + chocs + frame

** Am sleepy.. so lazy to write anything.. just bear with me ;)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!
It's 3rd day already..

I have my xmas exchange which is still unwrapped!!!
haha.. life as a working housewife is bz... bz.. bz..

Just got back from my parent's house yesterday...
It' nice to go home and it's raining most of the time..
So it was cold.. hahaha..
mu hubby like it a lot..
and he wants t go back only during raining season..
of course I disagree with the suggestion

During my stay at Kuantan.. 
most of the was spent at home..
talking to mom.. about work, my marriage so far and my mom update me on grandma's condition..

Earlier, we planned to visit grandma..
However, due to heavy rain my dad asked us not to go..
cos we were not able to spend the night at grandma's place.. (kuala terengganu).. the reason being is because we worked on Monday ( which is today)...

so, we spent the time at home..
and I managed to visit my friend's baby..
Emeer Firaz.. he's adorable...
At 3 months young... he's so cheerful..

I have write a long entry but when I tried to publish the post..
this Maxis broadband changed to GPRS coverage..

I have no mood to write..