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Monday, March 5, 2012

same old..same old..

hello readers!

it's been quite some time..
since my last update..

I have pass my semester exam not with flying colors..
however, I thanked God for allowing me to pass..
see.. I was lazy for the last semester..

semester 2 started today..
my first class will be on 18 Mar 2012..
wish me well readers!!

not much to update since I became a very boring person..
life evolves around workplace and home only..

no activities or places that I could share with you guys..
basically, when i started blogging (friendster blog)..
it was meant for me to update the places that I went to..

now.. I hardly have time to even go back to my hometown..
I bet..YOU readers also facing the same situation..
more or less..

Let's look forward for better days and pray to God that our parents is in good hand..

missing my family so bad!!

there will never be enough time spent with families

Have a nice day everyone!!

**signing off
