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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ya Allah
Kuatkan semangat dan kesabaranku
sesungguhnye aku insan lemah

ape yg berlaku td sgt2 mguji kekuatanku
aku pohon padaMu Ya Allah
tunjukkanlah aku kebenaran

aku sanggup tinggalkan semua yg myakitkan
jike itu lebih baik buat diriku
Ya Allah.. bantulah hambaMu yg lemah ini

Saturday, December 25, 2010


aku sgt pasti blog ni dh bersawang..
sgt2 mls skrg nk update
cos tlalu byk bende yg perlu simpa utk diri sendiri..

kdg2 rs nk menangis sbb sesuatu..
tp air mate tuh hanye bergenang..
saat tuh la jugak la aku teringat kat ayah..
dlo ms kck2 klu sedih..
ayahlah yg msk bilik dtg pujuk..

tetibe rs nk jd bdk kck lik..
agak2 boleh tak?
ape aku merepek nih???..

aku br jek lepas bersiram nih..
hr ni seharian kt genting..
ramai gile manusia..
mgkn sbb cuti am..

aku kepenatan + sakit pinggang yg amat..
so.. ms blk td mmg xde mood
aku dok diam jek..

td dlm kete tetibe teringat kat mak ayh
lamenye rs xjmp derg..
last balik kuantan ms raye puase kot..

bestnye klu dpt cuti lelame kan...
ridunye kt derg..

xde mood..

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

once upon a time

Just finish going through my niece's blog
click here if you wanna blogwalk

Once, when I was younger..
I too write my blog like rojak..
I mixed English with Malay..
Kinda miss it

Think I'm going to do that again..
aku nk buat blog rojak jugak..
yg mne xpaham bahase melayu
sila google or dptkan kamus..
 (mcm rmi jek org bc blog, updte pon dh jarang2) 

hurm.. kan best klu tau cmne nk tulis dlm bahase cine..
hurm.. nk blaja cm dh mls..

itu jek nk merepek ..
sbnrnye ade byk bende nk cerita
tapi.. mse jek xde..
skrg pon dh ngantuk..
jd mau beradu sdh

** Semoge hr esk lebih baik dr hr ini..
Ya Allah permudahkan urusan hambaMu ini.. dunia & akhirat..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Not a secret but something that you could not share...

Hurm.. as the title goes.. I wonder how do you guys & gals out there vent your emotions, thoughts or whatever but not like publicly on your blog or as secretly as having a locked diary?.. Cos I do believe, there's things that we can share and also things that we couldn't..

I'm not a fan of writing a diary.. I rather type everything!!.. but I don't want it to be in my blog as well.. cos I really need to vent things out ... and I don't like to share it with either my family, spouse or friends.. complicated right?

Lalalalalalala.. I had a lot of things to write actually, but I just could not do it over the net..
Ideas.. ideas.. please come!!

BTW, tomorrow is Aidiladha..
I will be celebrating with my in-laws for this Raya..
Both my sisters are going to celebrate with our parents..
Kind of touchy cos I didn't celebrate Aidilfitri with them this year cos it was their turn to celebrate with their in-laws and it happen that it was a turn for us the not-so newlyweds to celebrate with my parents.. waaaa.. I'm a bit sad.. but it's ok..
Guess, this is married life after all..

I have this situation whereby, I didn't call my parents that much..
It's not that I have issues with them..
It's just that, we do not know what we want to talk about..
Normally, I would just text them..
and if there's problems my father would text me and ask how to solve things or he would inform me if he had gone somewhere else than home..

If there's miscalled than I would callback.. and it's vise versa..
is it weird not to call your parents?
cos my husband was about to nag me for not calling..
then I said I've text my parents

And I never heard my parents complaining on us not calling.. us is me and my sisters..
However, my mom would asked why your sisters is not coming home or myself..
then I would say it's because the kids (my nieces) had to be in school, got exams or they were overseas for school holidays (depending on which is which lor) .. 

And as for me.. it has been always because of work.. Cos I'm a customer service officer.. I work on shifts.. My off day & rest day are not Saturday & Sunday.. instead it was and is random and may not be 2 days in a row.. I may have off day on Tuesday and another on Sunday.. I have no work life balance.. for the past 3 years or so.. It's all because of the cost of living in Selangor&KL.. it is so high and work in a normal working hour means your salary is lesser.. I'm a slave to the money.. terrible right? hurm.. well that's life as it is.. at least that's what I told myself.. it wouldn't be easy..

So, just be patient and pray a lot...
this entry are quite long.. suddenly all the ideas are pouring like a tap water..
hope I didn't bore you guys/gals..
think I'm going to call my parents tomorrow..
hope that I managed to talk at least 5mins with them..

Last but not least am..
Wishing all Muslims worldwide 
Happy Aidiladha...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hi there!!!
Finally I can update my blog after a long silence..
Been meaning to update it but something went wrong every time..

OK.. as we all know.. most of us got a lot of wedding invitation..
Congrats to Yun & Asmadi (2 oct) .. Eno & Wan Cai (16 oct).. 
To Yun & Asmadi, sorry can't make it to your reception on 7.11.10 as I was in Kuala Kangsar

The day bef.. there were good news for 1 of my friend.. she got pregnant.. 
Congrats dear!!! 
Today, I got a call for a work in Alliance bank.. Good news is that it is a normal working hour.. bad news is, it's a 2 months contract... this called was at 18:00..then at 19:57 maxis called for payment analyst position..

what is payment analyst? 
A payment analyst is responsible for analyzing all company payments and ensuring that paperwork is accounted for and filled out correctly. An undergraduate degree in a financial discipline is highly desired by many companies.

I don't have a degree in finance!!! Ohh.. And from my research.. the annual salary is $30000.. I bet that in Malaysia they will not pay that high... Malaysian co. is stingy!!.. seriously, they need to look into better salary for those who stays in KL & Selangor area... Else, we could not survive..

Hope that I will get a normal working hours job & it is permanent position..
If not.. I have to do something... Pray for me people!!

Until then.. tata!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just whining...

Is honesty still the best policy?
The good old days word of wisdom “Honesty is the best policy”
Have that word still standing in our principle of life?
How many of us are being true to ourselves? Our partner? Our job?
Well, there’s someone I knew.. who keep on bragging that he dos everything..
But, everyone knows he didn’t.. He just pretend to have done things..
Unbelievable enough, the superior knows about him but did nothing..
I just hate it when you give your 100% but people still ask for more and that person can claim everything is done by him... and make you think that you’re contribute  nothing.. Life is unfair in a work environment.. But I do not expect that it could be this worse..
I hope this stinky person regret what he did.. And I hope that one he’ll be at the bottom of the roller coaster and be reminded how he had treat us.. he was the worst of all...

Just an entry to let out something in the chest..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 October 2010

Bet there's a lot of events took place on the date..
Could be wedding, engagement, launch of a product and etc

I was at a wedding.. Aisyah & Faizul

from left : my hubby, Faizul, Aishah, Me
Next row (L): Fizi, Sis Ainol and her daughter, not sure, Sis Gee, Ariel, Nik, Abg Azhar, Keown's gal? & Keown..

We're actually Digizen (Once upon a time)

Friday, October 8, 2010


Yesterday was the last day of my Syawal fast
So I've updated FB status as "Alhamdulilah" - Praise to God...

Suddenly my friends text me and asked..
"Are you pregnant already?"..
"How many months or weeks?"..
I giggle and answer them that I was not pregnant..
How a single update would create a speculation...

Then, came along an advice that I shouldn't planned too long for the first baby..
The thing is I didn't get pregnant.. and I was not planning..
Maybe it's not meant to be yet...

Anyhow, sometimes I feel awkward..
When you're single.. people will ask when are you getting married?..
When you're already married.. people start to ask if you're pregnant..
And I believe.. after you had a baby..
People would ask.. when are you going to have more babies?..
Hahahaha... Life is like a roller coaster.. right?
Just got to ride it...

To all my friends.. I will tell  you if I'm pregnant..
Don't assume my updates and speculate..

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Unnecessary Drama

Sometimes.. we create a little drama to find out some answers..
So do I...

And it makes me wanna run so fast...
but.. I can't
Life is complicated... 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Khayra Qaisara

Oct 2 is the birth date for my SIL's first daughter
She was born at 5:54pm weighed at 3.24kg
Her name is Khayra Qaisara (The best princess)..

Isn't she adorable?
I want one too!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I have lots of emotion at the moment
One of it is frustration..
I do not understand why when we are being honest
People will take advantage on us???

Haish! Wish that I was not that sensitive
But I AM!!!

To those who take it for granted.. please bear in mind that whatever u did to others..
U will soon get it BACK!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Raya with siblings & nieces

Last Sunday.. my sis Ina came over to our house for Raya
I didn't cook anything as we are going for lunch at our Big sis place..
Where else?.. Persada...

We went there and I was going upstairs looking for fat Muffin
(forgot to take a snap of him)
Then.. we had our lunch and chat chatting
It was fun to hang out...

One of the cousin mistakenly ate lizard egg...ewww
We assumed that maybe he thought the egg was tic tac

From left: BIL, big sis, khairina, iffa, sarah, Sis Ina & Izaq

Baby Rania

after lunch syndrome... drowsy~

my hubby

Izaq.. the cousin who ate lizard egg...

Friday, September 24, 2010

A place for my head

Today is my bad hair day!!!
I felt very DOWN today

Wish that you were here..
At least you could listen to me whining..

Suddenly, it all came back to me...
How you promised that you will look after me..
I so miss you... 

If you were here.. I knew that you will make see things at a different perspective..
I wouldn't cry and not knowing what to do..
It hurt me to think that I had to live my life without you..

May you rest in peace...
I'M tense at the max..
why on earth I couldn't upload images in the blog using google chrome or mozilla firefox?
Is it browser problem??

please help me!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jom jw kuiz.. lame dah xbuat nih..

1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :
:: org yg anda xknal..so xyah jwb ::

2. Saya sedang mendengar :
:: en suami mbebel..dgr ke?!!!.. ::

3. Mungkin saya patut:
:: belasah jek org yg mbebel itu..sy xske lelaki mbebel!!! ::

4. Saya suka :
:: tdo..lepak2 dgn famili & kwn2.. ::

5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya :
:: adelah mereka2 yg jarang sy jumpe atau kol.. tp sentiasa ade utk sy xkire ssh atau senang ::

6. Saya tak paham :
:: kenape perlu manusia tlalu mgejar dunia?..kekal ke? ::

7. Saya kehilangan :
:: sahabat baik sy di bln Ramadhan 2002 ::

8. Ramai yang berkata :
:: sy nmpk mcm budak2.. ^_^ ::

9. Makna nama saya :
::  Miza = bseri2.. kakak sy yg ke 2 ckp.. betul ke? ::

10. Cinta itu adalah :
:: hanya utkNYA ::

11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang :
:: hisap rokok..kate demam..haish~ ::

12. Saya akan cuba :
:: mcr diri sy dan ape tujuan hidup sy ::

13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :
:: sesuatu yg kekal ::

14. Telefon bimbit saya :
:: tidak lg spenting dlo (org yg slalu kol & sms dh jd osmet sy..hahaha) ::

15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :
:: bgn n gsk gigi..pas2 br tgk jam.. ::

16. Saya paling meluat apabila :
:: org yg gedik, manje xbtmp, ske menipu & ckp besar.. list berterusan......::

17. Pesta/Parti adalah :
:: adelah tdk sesuai utk sy.. benci dgn bunyi bsg.. ::

18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah :
:: tupai...::

19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :
:: mase umur 16 thn .. ::

20. Hari ini :
:: pegi umah akak beraye & mlps rindu pd ank2 sdare serta muffin yg gebu (muffin adelh seekor arnab) ::

21. Malam ini saya akan :
:: melangut didepan lappy sbb ade org tgk EPL.. sggh BOSAN::

22. Esok pula saya akan:
:: cube mguatkn smgt utk bkeje ::

23. Saya betul-betul inginkan :
:: keserderhanaan dlm semua perkara ::

24. Ketika saya lihat wajah saya di hadapan cermin pagi ini :
:: sy xtgk cermin pg ini ::

25. Antara pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan saya memilih:
:: membeli-belah!! ::

26. Antara makanan Barat atau Jepun saya memilih:
:: xkisah la ::

27. Antara bilik yang terang atau gelap saya memilih:
:: gelap.. dpt tdo lena ::

28. Makanan segera adalah :
:: sedap wlupon byk MSG ::

29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
:: ape yg ayg ckp td?? ::

30. Siapa yang saya hendak Tag?
:: en suami ::

Friday, September 17, 2010


It's been a while since my last update..
Today is already the 8th Syawal..
Raya was ok.. we celebrated it as a husband & wife at my hometown..Kuantan

It was only 4 of us
Mom, Dad, Me & Hubby...
It was different.. without the others..

Kuah kcg & ketupat nasi is a must menu...
my favourite!!

 our first Raya as hubby & wifey..

To all, Happy Eid Mubarak!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010



Today after "sahur", I've decided not to sleep..
I fold the clothes that I wash 2 days back..
played bejewelled in facebook

chat with 2 friends..
we were chatting about online business...
hurm... below are some of the suggestions
1. clothes
2. handbags
3. brooch
4. shawl
5. lingerie
6. become a photographer (this is not an ONLINE bus!)

Suggestions 1,2,3, 4 is done by a lot of ppl..
no 5 is not such a good idea..
who would buy lingerie online? at least I wouldn't
suggestion 6.. hurm.. it was only a hobby.. never thought of it for an income
furthermore, I do not have skills to become a photographer..

then another friend was suggesting me to further study and take a programming course
I was told to at least learned 5 programming language
VB.net, MYSQL, PHP, ASP.net & cobol
I felt like...aaarrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
It has been 6 years since I got my diploma..
How could I learned the 5 language at this age?
well, patience is virtue....

he asked me to make a system that can upload, download & print
I then asked him "could you be specific?"
then he wants to arrange a breakfasting... to talk over..
ohhh.. he is damn SERIOUS...
could I do it?...
I mean, I've never worked in IT field after graduation... &^#@@#^^$!!!!

Hope that this could be a starting point of  new career... May God bless & guide me....

Signing off

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


it's the 22nd day of Ramadhan!!
another 8 days and hello Raya :)
am so lazy to update my blog ..
cos i do not have any idea on what to blog about
(and wonder if there's reader)

It is my first Ramadhan as a wife and daughter-in-law
the experience was blessed..
Thanks to Allah for allowing me to  have another Ramadhan..
Breakfasting was always at home with en. Suami..
sometimes we went to baram (bazaar Ramadhn) if I was lazy to cook..
but, home cook foods is better and satisfying..

Yesterday, my MIL came to our house for the 1st time..
she came along with my BIL and a teacher who stays with her..
The menu was "Patin tempoyak", "sambal sotong", "kerang msk kicap" & "ikan selar goreng"..
and for desert we had "bubur jagung"..

after breakfast we went for our terawikh prayer..
I forgot to snap a pic as I was busy preparing the dishes..
will try to snaps pics for future entry..

signing off