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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I'm a beta, his and alpha thal-thread

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Dear readers,

I would like to share something very important that may create awareness to YOU.

Been receiving a lot of jokes about having another child since Anaqi has grown bigger.

See, I wish I am pregnant now. However, I am NOT!

The reason being is because of my thal-thread condition. Not just me, my husband has it as well. I'm a beta & he's an alpha.

If you wish to know more about it you can google. 

See, the problem is my husband is not keen to go for consultancy on family planning as he felt that he is healthy.

Yeah, we don't need transfusion. Still, we need to be precautious as our condition could affect the baby-as in one of our child could have major-thal and need blood transfusion.

And, there's also risk when I'm pregnant because my hb will drop tremendously and I will be on bed the whole time doing nothing! That happen when I conceive Anaqi. Luckily, I do not need transfusion.

So, for people who jokes about having a second child. This is my answer to you. 

I do not want to keep in shape ok. I just need to be precautious about my health.

To you Anaqi may be bigger. To me he is still a baby and he need his parent's all the time. If I get pregnant, I am not sure I am fit to cope with him-he's very active Alhamdulilah.

Allah has his plan & I am following. Stop joking & asking because it hurts sometime. 

You're not in my shoes. Please don't judge me. Thanks!

p/s: a book may have a nice cover, try to read the whole book before deciding whether it's a good one or not.

Note: that's why our skin tone is fair. 


  1. sabar k.... been there done that (but in different situation, u know what I mean rite???) hikhikhik

  2. hehe..ko bace blog aku? tq so much!!
